Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Flags of Central Asia

I've always loved flags and maps.  Not sure why, maybe it was hours spent staring at the flag and map in school, trying to avoid learning anything.  I became a teacher to apologize for my attitude as a student.  And, to paraphrase the Trinidadian Bard, aka Slinger Francisco, aka The Mighty Sparrow "If I had paid attention in school, I'd be a block headed mule."

So, anyways, I mocked up this little graphic, it's rough but pretty.  I definitely have a favorite flag, but I won't reveal it yet.  The flags are, by the way, aligned roughly geographically.  But, if you don't like maps, I'll tell you which they are.  The top one is Kazakhstan.  The middle left is Uzbekistan and the middle right is Kyrgyzstan.  The bottom left is Turkmenistan and the bottom right is Tajikistan.

Which is your favorite?


  1. Kyrgyzstan FTW! I like the sun logo.

    1. Thanks Maestro! The sun logo on the Kyrgyzstan flag has some symbolism to it. There are 40 rays on the sun to represent the 40 tribes that founded the Kyrgyz ethnicity. The symbol in the middle of the sun is called a Tunduk (toondook) and it is the crown of the center piece at the middle top of the yurt.

  2. I also pick Kyrgyzstan. Most graphic & bold. (Kazakhstan is my runner up.)
    Thanks to your post & wikipedia I also discovered that all the stans have emblems. They're awesome! Kyrgyzstan's is also my fave but Kazahstan's i and Uzbekistan's are very cool too.

    1. Coming soon...a comparison of Central Asian Emblems/Coat of Arms.

  3. i could say with respect for other countries, Uzbekistan's flag is easy to understand than others. but, all are pretty
